Why Accounting Matters for Your Startup

Ever heard the phrase, 'Accounting is the language of business'? Well, that nugget of wisdom originates from none other than business magnate, Warren Buffett. Consider this: accounting is like a puzzle within the business realm. But Buffett's thoughts in 2014 went beyond this simple comparison. He drew a parallel between accounting and learning a foreign language – and he was serious. Just as deciphering a foreign language as a native English speaker, diving into accounting terms can be like wading through a dictionary with no end in mind. Fixed assets, retained earnings, accounts receivable – they might as well be coded messages! But don't worry; you don't need to become an accounting expert overnight to do business. One key takeaway…

Why More Businesses are Adopting Asset-Light Strategies

Image by Freepik Every company strives to navigate its strategic course with the lightest possible asset footprint. Yet, finding the optimal balance can resemble solving a complex puzzle. Executives often grapple with a perplexing choice when considering the heft of their assets. On one hand, there is the allure of asset-heavy, vertically integrated models that promise unmatched control. But do they also tether too much capital and lack the nimbleness needed in today's ever-shifting business environment? On the flip side, asset-light business models offer newfound flexibility, but can they be effectively managed? Do they raise concerns with the looming risks of Intellectual Property (IP) leaks and potential depreciation in value? "The art of business lies in the ability to make…

Leesa Soulodre: A Trailblazer in Venture Capital and the Pioneer of Planet43

Image by Leesa Soulodre Leesa Soulodre possesses a diverse background in deeptech leadership, innovation, entrepreneurship, and risk management. "My approach has always been to take unconventional paths and question established norms - and to take the road less traveled - so it's no wonder I ended up in venture capital. - Leesa Soulodre Originally from Australia, Leesa Soulodre's entrepreneurial journey has taken her around the world. Here are some of her career highlights: Advising over 400 companies across 19 sectors in Europe, Asia, and America. She is a sought-after speaker on global stages due to her expertise in digital transformation, masters and robots, reputation risk management, and innovation strategy. Playing a role in 3 tech exits across cybersecurity, financial services,…

Technology for good:  Keeping truck drivers safe and deterring human trafficking

Journey Protector CEO Anne Lawlor (R) in an Enterprise Ireland promotional campaign. Haulage companies face huge losses daily due to theft, damage to their loads, and hefty fines arising from undetected illegal stowaways entering the rear of their vehicles. Under the new revision of the UK’s Clandestine Entrant Civil Penalty Scheme from 13 February 2024, fines for lorry drivers found with illegal immigrants hiding in their vehicles increased fivefold from £2,000 (approx. €2,250) per stowaway to potentially £10,000 (>€11,000). Considering that independent owner/drivers earn an average of around €200 per day, the added potential penalties and financial risks make crossing the UK border an unacceptable risk. The World Road Transport Organization(IRU) says the scheme puts supply chains at risk, stating…

Doing M&A the Japanese way: How Nihon M&A Center connects SMEs with Japanese investors for long term success

Mr. Masahiro Nishii, Managing Director of Nihon M&A Center Singapore Many small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in Singapore start off as family-run businesses that are built with blood, sweat, and tears. After about 20 years of steady growth, owners are either looking for succession or to sell the company for retirement. But how does one even start to navigate the complicated M&A landscape, and more importantly, how can one ensure that the legacy lives on even after the company is sold? This is where Mr Masahiro Nishii comes in. As the Managing Director of Nihon M&A Center Singapore, he and his team connect SME owners in Singapore with Japanese investors looking for opportunities in the region. Nihon M&A Center is…

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