Taking on the Gen Z Challenge

Young business woman working at the computer in cafe on the rock. Young girl downshifter working at a laptop at sunset or sunrise on the top of the mountain to the sea, working day. Let’s face it – Companies these days are waking up to a whole new workforce reality. It feels like we have only just settled into adapting to the presence of millennials, and now we find ourselves needing to brace for the impact of Generation Z. Welcome to the era of Gen Z, the "True Gen," "iGen," or simply the "zoomers" (born from 1997 to 2012), who are now striding into the workplace like a breath of fresh air. And let's set the record straight – they're…

Why More Businesses are Adopting Asset-Light Strategies

Image by Freepik Every company strives to navigate its strategic course with the lightest possible asset footprint. Yet, finding the optimal balance can resemble solving a complex puzzle. Executives often grapple with a perplexing choice when considering the heft of their assets. On one hand, there is the allure of asset-heavy, vertically integrated models that promise unmatched control. But do they also tether too much capital and lack the nimbleness needed in today's ever-shifting business environment? On the flip side, asset-light business models offer newfound flexibility, but can they be effectively managed? Do they raise concerns with the looming risks of Intellectual Property (IP) leaks and potential depreciation in value? "The art of business lies in the ability to make…

Is CSR Really Necessary?

Image by patpitchaya on Shutterstock So, you may be wondering, is corporate social responsibility (CSR) really necessary? Couldn't corporations just focus on their primary purpose: providing shareholders with satisfactory returns? Well, that line of thinking, quite frankly, is now considered as outdated as fax machines. While it's true that businesses exist to make a profit, the measures of corporate success today have broadened.  The emergence of CSR as an essential primer of modern corporate governance is no accident. It's a reflection of the evolving societal expectations of corporations. So, why has CSR become a non-negotiable for businesses? What is the definition of CSR? "Corporate Social Responsibility means pursuing business objectives in a manner that enhances your company's positive impact on society…

All About Unicorns, Decacorns and Hectocorns

Image by rudall30 via Shutterstock Remember back in 2013, when venture capitalist and founder of Cowboy Ventures, Aileen Lee, coined a specific term to represent a distinctive class of start-ups that were breaking the norms and catching the eye of investors worldwide?  That's right, the label 'unicorn' was born. In the world of business, a unicorn isn't a mythical creature fresh out of a fantasy novel. Rather, it is an exceptional title granted to private companies or startups valued over a whopping $1 billion. Just as elusive and awe-inspiring as their fictional namesakes, these companies embark on the adventurous journey from mere concepts to billion-dollar businesses.  But the unicorn landscape has dramatically changed. Seeing a startup reach unicorn status is no longer a rare…

Why Accounting Matters for Your Startup

Ever heard the phrase, 'Accounting is the language of business'? Well, that nugget of wisdom originates from none other than business magnate, Warren Buffett. Consider this: accounting is like a puzzle within the business realm. But Buffett's thoughts in 2014 went beyond this simple comparison. He drew a parallel between accounting and learning a foreign language – and he was serious. Just as deciphering a foreign language as a native English speaker, diving into accounting terms can be like wading through a dictionary with no end in mind. Fixed assets, retained earnings, accounts receivable – they might as well be coded messages! But don't worry; you don't need to become an accounting expert overnight to do business. One key takeaway…

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