Crisis Management: What Is It?

Image by Jirsak via Shutterstock In today's fast-paced, interconnected business world, a crisis can present itself without warning, catching even the most prepared organizations off-guard. A twist in market dynamics, an unforeseen operational failure, or a global phenomenon such as the COVID-19 pandemic - there's an array of situations that may impose severe challenges for any business. According to statistics from FEMA, nearly 40% of small businesses never reopen after a disaster, demonstrating the significant impact a crisis can have on an organization's survival.  “Crisis management is the art of avoiding trouble when you can, and managing it well when you can’t.” The importance of crisis management cannot be overstated. A robust, action-oriented strategy not only mitigates the immediate impact but also shields long-term reputation and shareholder…

Why More Businesses are Adopting Asset-Light Strategies

Image by Freepik Every company strives to navigate its strategic course with the lightest possible asset footprint. Yet, finding the optimal balance can resemble solving a complex puzzle. Executives often grapple with a perplexing choice when considering the heft of their assets. On one hand, there is the allure of asset-heavy, vertically integrated models that promise unmatched control. But do they also tether too much capital and lack the nimbleness needed in today's ever-shifting business environment? On the flip side, asset-light business models offer newfound flexibility, but can they be effectively managed? Do they raise concerns with the looming risks of Intellectual Property (IP) leaks and potential depreciation in value? "The art of business lies in the ability to make…

The Unexpected Obstacle Every Startup Faces (And How to Overcome It)

According to Exploding Topics (latest data in 2023), 90% of startups fail. Wait, let’s break it down.  “Nine out of every ten startups crash and burn. But, hang on! Wasn't the dream to be the next, dare I say it, Elon Musk, or Jeff Bezos?” Surprised? But this is just the start of our harsh and enlightening ride. Think about it. You have your perfect product in mind, the dream team lined up, your business plan readied, investors ready to shower you with their money, and you even have the departmental desk color scheme sorted (we all know that's important). Yet despite all this, you are more likely to fail than to succeed – hard pill to swallow, right? Grit your…

Re-Defining the 21st Century Boardroom

There is always something elusive about the Boardroom. It is a place where strategies are devised, risks weighed, and the future of companies charted. Yet, amid its polished oak walls and hushed deliberations, there's an aspect that has begun to echo louder than ever before - diversity. But it's not just about ticking boxes; it's about steering towards an inclusive future. Still questioning the value of a diverse boardroom? It's time you rethink your strategy.  A study by researchers at Harvard Business School found that ethnically diverse organizations were 35% more likely to outperform their industry median. Notably, ethnically diverse boards are 43% more likely to deliver higher profits. Now that's a win you surely want on your side of the…

Business Innovation With Disruptive Technologies: A Comprehensive Guide

Image by Michail Petrov on Shitterstock If you've ever wondered how technologies can significantly disrupt existing business models, you're in the right place! In our constantly evolving world, businesses need to stay updated and innovative. The beauty of disruption lies not in the turbulence it creates, but in the novel opportunities it provides for businesses to grow and prosper. This article aims to examine disruptive technologies and their role in fostering business innovation. Before we dive deep, let’s start with an overview of the concept of disruptive technology. "Disruptive Technology", a term coined by Harvard Business School professor Clayton M. Christensen in the late 1990s, refers to an innovation that significantly alters the way that consumers, industries, or businesses operate. These…

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